包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?

This is no longer the time when you can freely see Nanshan Mountain by picking chrysanthemum and painting under the eastern fence. It is impossible for you to walk around the dragon and snake in the shabby room with moss stains and green stairs to talk and laugh about Hongru and meet bosom friends in the mountains. Some people earnestly make paintings and calligraphy all their lives. They paint very well and write very well. That is, they do not publicize themselves, especially they do not pay attention to network publicity and network promotion. As a result, they remain obscure all their lives. Some people are also serious about painting and calligraphy, but this person is willing to create a network image recognized by the public. As a result, his painting and calligraphy sell well, and his life is very handsome and comfortable, and he also left a valuable wealth to future generations. Meishu.com is the first service platform focused on online packaging for calligraphers and painters in China. It has professional experience and technology of online packaging, numerous free promotion programs and rich and flexible cooperation methods. If you not only believe in graffiti, but also dream that paper flowers will bear fruit in real life, then it is time to improve through appropriate packaging. People are well known.
2019年书画艺术家包装推广大攻略 艺术家们应该看看



Artists should take a look at the big strategy of packaging and promotion of calligraphy and painting artists in 2019
1.sign a contract: To sign a contract with the painter is the criterion of mutual trust and restriction between investors and painters. Both parties must strictly abide by the contents of the treaties signed. The way to sign a contract can be either fully packaged or semi-packaged. Full packaging means to package an artist in all directions for a long time, including life, creation, painting, painting exhibition, picture album, advertising, etc. Semi-packaged works can be purchased only, or they can be packaged for several years, and all the works in a few years can be purchased.
[2] Hiring excellent critics: It is indispensable for contemporary painters and calligraphers to be famous or to sell at a good price, in addition to the artists themselves having to have a high artistic quality, to hire excellent critics. It is not advisable for some investors to choose calligraphers and painters only to work on their own and ignore the role of critics. It should be noted that the success or failure of investment in contemporary calligraphers and painters largely depends not only on economic strength, but also on the participation of an insightful, conscientious and influential critic. Because critics not only understand the artistic criteria of the objects they invest in, but also correct the direction of artists'creation in time.
[3] Develop various publicity activities: through publishing articles and works in various columns of Meishu.com and personal online exhibitions, such as searching for painter's name, work name and Exhibition name, a large number of positive and weighty information (search results) can come out, which is of great help to the packaging of calligraphers and painters, and will greatly enhance the influence and popularity of painters.
一,书画家利用媒体优势自我宣传与过度宣传?书画家经纪运作之方案 ?画家怎么出名和怎么宣传自己?书画家数据库-画廊数据库-艺术数据库 画廊与画家 生存经营方式揭秘??对被投资对象的了解则显得尤其重要。那么,哪些书画家值得进行投资?或者说被投资的书画家必须具备哪些条件呢?

独具神韵的个性风格: 艺术的生命在于创造,这创造除了从传统中来,还必须具有独具神韵的个性风格。具体地说,就是必须将你欲投资的书画家置于整个书画史上去定位,看其有哪些独特的成就与创造,其个性风格是否领先于其他艺术家。

三,书画该如何包装自己当代二三线书画家如何一跃成为一线?包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?

First, the calligraphers and painters use the advantages of the media to self-publicize and over-publicize? What is the plan for the brokerage operation of calligraphers and painters? How does a painter become famous and how does he publicize himself? Calligrapher Database - Gallery Database - Art Database Gallery and Artist's Survival and Management Secrets?? It is particularly important to know about the investee. So, which calligraphers and painters are worth investing in? Or what conditions must an invested calligrapher and painter have?

Strong traditional brush and ink skills: Chinese brush and ink is the essence of traditional Chinese painting, is the main component of traditional Chinese painting, it is not only the basic skills of every calligrapher and painter, but also the main means of expression in Chinese painting techniques, is a direct reflection of each painter's personality. In the painting of Samadhi, there is no reason to comprehend without pen and ink, and the spirit of pen and ink has never changed. Especially the contemporary Chinese painters, due to the influence of Western learning eastward, the style of painting is changeable and the appearance is different. Many works called innovation are fraudulent and puzzling. But as long as we examine whether it has solid traditional brush and ink skills, it will be clear at a glance.

Second, how do artists publicize and package themselves? As a calligrapher, you must know how to pack yourself.

Individual style with unique charm: The life of art lies in creation, which not only comes from tradition, but also has its own charm. Specifically, the painters you want to invest in must be positioned throughout the history of painting and calligraphy, to see what unique achievements and creations they have, and whether their personality style is ahead of other artists.

Third, how should the painting and calligraphy be packaged? How can the contemporary painters and calligraphers become the first line? How can the packaging planning and construction rapidly enhance the popularity and value of the painters and calligraphers?

Chinese painting is the externalization of human spirit, the product of big culture and a branch of culture. For this reason, as a real Chinese painter, besides mastering solid traditional brush and ink skills and possessing unique personality style, he must also emphasize cultural accomplishment, personality cultivation and pay attention to the combination of personality and paintings. To this end, we invest in a painter, not only to see his social status, title, title, these laurels are not the main investors. We must have a comprehensive understanding of his cultural accomplishment, life experience and personality thought. We must not be confused by some appearances and get into a strange circle. It is necessary to comprehensively investigate its artistic status quo and development trend. To put it another way, there are individual painters whose paintings are OK, but their personality is very poor. If you have invested a lot of money and energy, once you are about to succeed, and the painter has broken his promise, it will not end. It takes a lot of money and energy to invest in the packaging of one or more calligraphers and painters, but before investing, a lot of investigation and research work must be done to comprehensively, impartially and objectively analyze the present situation and development trend of the calligraphers and painters. Therefore, we should firmly grasp the indispensable standards of traditional brush and ink skills, personality style and personality education. Only in this way can your investment be valuable, confidence in investment be doubled, and goals be clear. Because as a real painter and calligrapher, as long as the above three conditions are met, sooner or later it will shine.
包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?_0包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?_1包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?_2包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?_3包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?_4包装策划构建 如何快速提升书画家的知名度与书画价值?_5
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